it's like i've been in a monogamous relationship with nyc for over 7 years now and i've been dying to break this exclusivity up, but i can't find anyone as long as i'm still dating this city, i wonder- is everyone else here all in the same monogamy of dating nyc too? is that why we can't find anyone else?
我有个朋友说不看新海诚但会用他的电影截图做桌面所以还是喜欢的我觉得现在新海诚有点误入歧途画面过分的精美过量绘制的现实信息(比如琳琅满目的品牌)过度CG的动态(超越肉眼的雨滴)实际上削弱了人物的情感因为这种情感是一种漫画式失真的提纯少年的眼里世界就像女性胸部勾搭已婚无三观H是美好而神秘之物(参见《野花ぶるだいあり~しすWWW》)他没有真正的、消耗的生活所以可以做出梦幻、空洞的选择weathering with you背后是作画的那种YYing with you我也希望回到能代入进去的年龄但我做不到了